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 Hozzászólás témája: GunGame 2.13c
HozzászólásElküldve: 2014.06.12. 23:11 

Csatlakozott: 2013.11.19. 22:12
Hozzászólások: 94
Megköszönt másnak: 34 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 4 alkalommal
Hali aki unattkozik le forditaná nekem ezt:
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Cancel
CLOSE = Close
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire is ON!!!%%e Watch your fire!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e went back down to level %%g%i%%e for killing a hostage
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e lost %%g%i%%e points for killing a hostage
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = Leader
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Level
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = You have made %i/%i of your required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = You are in the lead
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = You are tied for first place
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = You are %i levels behind the leader
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = You have won %i times
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Current leaders: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Current leader: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Leader level: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = You are now %%g%i%%e levels behind the leader
NEXT = Next
NONE = none
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = This server has win logging disabled
NOW_ON_LEVEL = You are now on level
ON_LEVEL = You are on level
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAY_GUNGAME = Play GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e reset himself back to level %%g1%%e
POINTS = points
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Press any number key to continue
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = You need %%n%i%%e kills to advance. Score: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = Pruning %s: %i entries removed
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Required kills
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = Are you SURE that you want^nto reset yourself back to level 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = You will respawn in %i seconds
RULES = Rules
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) You must get a kill with your current weapon to level up.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) If you get a kill with a weapon out of order, it does not count and you remain on your current level.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) You can gain levels by PLANTING and DEFUSING.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) If you commit suicide, you will lose a level.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire is turned ON when someone reaches GRENADE level.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) You CAN gain more than one level per round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) You can only gain one level per round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) You can gain up to %i levels per round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) There is a grace period at the end of each round to allow players to switch teams.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Because Knife Pro is enabled, you can steal a level from an opponent by knifing them.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Because Turbo Mode is enabled, you will receive your next weapon immediately when you level up.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Because Deathmatch Mode is enabled, you will respawn infinitely.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Say !level to see your current level and who is winning.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Say !weapons to see the weapon order.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Say !score to see all player current scores.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Say !top10 to see the top 10 winners on the server.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Say !restart to reset you to level 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Game rules and all say commands are now listed in your console
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Some useful say commands:
Say !top10 to see the top 10 players on this server^n
Say !level to see your current level and who is winning^n
Say !weapons to see the weapon order^n
Say !score to see player scores
SCORES = Scores
SLOW_DOWN = Slow down! This is still the warmup round!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e spawned in the last %%g%i%%e seconds
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = You aren't even past level 1 yet!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e stole a level from %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e lost a level for suicide
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e triple leveled!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = Warmup round
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Warmup Round Over!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Warmup Round: %i seconds left
WEAPONS = Weapons
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = This server is running GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Type !rules for instructions on how to play and a list of commands^n
Type !level to get your level info and who is leading^n
Type !score to get a list of all players scores and winnings^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final <font color=00CC00>%s</font> kill was made against <font color=%s>%s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final <font color=00CC00>%s</font> kill was made against <font color=%s>%s</font> by <font color=%s>%s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is <font color=%s>%s</font>'s <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> win,<br>and their <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> win in a row (their record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is <font color=%s>%s</font>'s <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> regular win,<br>and their <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> regular win in a row (their record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is <font color=%s>%s</font>'s <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> teamplay win,<br>and their <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> teamplay win in a row (their record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = <font color=%s>%s</font> now has a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = <font color=%s>%s</font> now has a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = <font color=%s>%s</font> now has a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is <font color=%s>%s</font>'s <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> win, for a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> points,<br>and  their <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> win in a row (their record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is <font color=%s>%s</font>'s <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> regular win, for a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> points,<br>and their <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> regular win in a row (their record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is <font color=%s>%s</font>'s <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> teamplay win, for a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> points,<br>and their <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> teamplay win in a row (their record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent <font color=00CC00>%i%%</font> of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins.<p>This is your <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> win in a row (your record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> regular wins.<p>This is your <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> regular win in a row (your record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> teamplay wins.<p>This is your <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> teamplay win in a row (your record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained <font color=00CC00>%i</font> points, for a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> points with <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained <font color=00CC00>%i</font> regular points, for a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> points with <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained <font color=00CC00>%i</font> teamplay points, for a total of <font color=00CC00>%i</font> points with <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be <font color=00CC00>%s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is <font color=00CC00>one</font> round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are <font color=00CC00>%i</font> rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> win in a row (your record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> regular win in a row (your record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your <font color=00CC00>%i%s</font> teamplay win in a row (your record: <font color=00CC00>%i</font> in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row, was set by <font color=00CC00>%s</font>.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row, was set by <font color=00CC00>%s</font>.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row, was set by <font color=00CC00>%s</font>.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = <font color=%s>%s</font> just set a new all-time record streak with <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = <font color=%s>%s</font> just set a new all-time record regular streak with <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = <font color=%s>%s</font> just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with <font color=00CC00>%i</font> wins in a row!
WINS = wins
WON = %%n%s%%e won
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode[/list]

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 Hozzászólás témája: Re: GunGame 2.13c
HozzászólásElküldve: 2014.06.12. 23:12 

Csatlakozott: 2013.12.30. 12:26
Hozzászólások: 987
Megköszönt másnak: 34 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 133 alkalommal
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LCAW Frag Bolt
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Vissza a tetejére
 Hozzászólás témája: Re: GunGame 2.13c
HozzászólásElküldve: 2014.06.12. 23:27 

Csatlakozott: 2011.01.19. 12:14
Hozzászólások: 4292
Megköszönt másnak: 219 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 287 alkalommal
Aki keres az talál.
GunGame fordítás

<<eb@>>Team Website - Közösség
17Buddies - Általam készített pályák.
GameBanana - Általam készített pályák/vágott hangok.


Ők köszönték meg norbee.16 nek ezt a hozzászólást: laci512 (2014.06.13. 15:22)
  Népszerűség: 2.27%

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